Are you insured?

Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Following the devastating fires in California, we reported that the state’s insurer of last resort is nearing insolvency, potentially leaving many property owners with uncovered losses. This would be catastrophic for affected homeowners.

It reminded me of when we first arrived in Israel about fourteen years ago, my wife was almost eight months pregnant. We wanted to have everything concerning the birth worked out ahead of time because we knew we’d have so many other things to think about once we got here. So we made certain to pay for our Israeli health insurance coverage even before we arrived, just to be sure we would have no problems.

But something inconceivable happened — the Israeli government went on strike before our payment information was entered into their records. When we tried to get prenatal care and sign up at the hospital, they had no record of our payment and thus, no way to help us (unless, of course, we were willing to pay an obscene amount of money, money we didn’t have). Little did we know that the strike would continue on for four months!

To make a long story short, our baby was born on the kitchen floor of our little Jerusalem apartment. I can honestly say it was one of the most terrifying, yet profound experiences of our lives.

But this got me thinking about insurance. Why do we buy insurance? So that we can be insured that we will get the help or care we need, should we ever need it, right? SURE! Well, we even paid in advance to have that assurance, and we didn’t get it when our time of need came!

We are living in crazy times. Times where anything goes — and anything can happen. And there is really only one insurance company that has been found truly faithful to help us in our time of need through it all. No, it’s not Red Cross, or Blue Cross… It’s THE Cross! What’s more, this insurance doesn’t cost us a thing! You’d think more people would jump on this deal, wouldn’t you? Yeshua (Jesus) already paid for it with His hard-earned blood sweat and tears, on the cross two thousand years ago.

Let’s take the time today to spread this heavenly insurance available for FREE — in this day and age … people need it!

Copyright 1999-2025 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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