Have you given your all?

Psalms 54:6 I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.

Let me share a story about King Frederick William III of Prussia. During his reign, he faced a tough situation. The nation was drained financially because of costly wars, and he needed a solution to rebuild. After much thought, he came up with a bold idea. He asked the women of Prussia to give up their gold and silver jewelry to support their country. In return, he offered them decorations made of bronze or iron, inscribed with the words, “I gave gold for iron, 1813.”

The response was incredible. Women eagerly gave up their treasures, but something even more remarkable happened—they cherished those simple iron and bronze tokens far more than their original jewelry. Why? Because those tokens were a sign of their sacrifice for their king and country.

Now think about this: when we come to know our King — we’re invited to make a similar exchange. He doesn’t just take the “jewels” of our old life, the things we value most; He also takes our brokenness, our rags, and turns them into something beautiful for His Kingdom.

Maybe today, there’s something God is asking you to surrender to Him. A habit, a worry, or even a treasure you’re holding onto. Let’s take a moment to pray and seek His guidance. When we sacrifice for our King, the blessings He gives in return are far greater than anything we let go of. Trust Him—great things await those who give!

Copyright 1999-2025 Worthy Devotions. This devotional was originally published on Worthy Devotions and was reproduced with permission.

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